As professional photographers, we are often asked, "what's the best camera for me to buy?" This is
a tough question as there are so many things to take into consideration. Before you ask questions about the mega pixels and lens quality, you need to consider some key questions which we will explore in the next few posts.
How much camera am I willing to carry?
This is probably the most important question you will need to ask yourself. Do you just want something that will fit into your pocket or purse? If so, your camera phone or a small point and shoot camera will do the trick. If you are willing to carry a little bit more than that, then a bridge camera or micro 4/3 will do. If you are prepared to carry a brick around, then consider a full DSLR.
How often do I want to carry my camera?
If you will be carrying your camera often, you really need to consider your answer to the question above. If not, then not.
Part 2 & 3 will be posted tomorrow and Wednesday.