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Cheap Tricks: Police Flashlight Holder

If you like to carry a monopod but don't know what to do with it when it's not in use, try adding a flashlight holder to your bag. A D cell battery flashlight belt holster is the perfect holder for your monopod. You can either attach it to your belt or your bag, depending on the configuration of your bag.

Now that's a cheap trick!!

Photo Tip #24: Best time of day for photography?

It really is true that the best time of day to take photographs is at sunrise and sunset. (see post about Golden Hour and Magic Hour) But the question begs, what about the rest of the day? Although it certainly is true that the light and colors available early and late in the day can look amazing, it is a very narrow window of opportunity. So even if the light isn't very good during the rest of the day it's up to you to find the opportunities for that great photo!

Cheap Tricks #31: Put a Sharpie in Your Camera Bag.

NYC Photo Safari Photo Tips - Sharpie for your camera bag

Consider carrying a sharpie in your camera bag. No, not just any marker but a Sharpie or any marker that will write on a glossy surface. Why? Because you never know when you might need to write on a memory card or something similar. You may occasionally find yourself needing to make a sign for your picture as well.

Photo Tip #23: Does the Sun Set on Manhattan? No!

... And it does not rise either. Unless you are near the water in Manhattan you will not see a sunrise or sunset in Manhattan. Why? Because there are too many buildings casting shadows; as a result there is no true sunrise or sunset in most parts of NYC. However, there are two days out of the year where you will actually see a sunset in most parts of the city. It's called Manhattenhenge (for more information click here: Mahattanhenge). As for the rest of the year, depending on the season and atmospheric conditions you may still benefit from the amazing colors that happen during magic and golden hour, but just no sunset. If you would like to see a sunset your best bet is to be on the far west side of the city or on the west side of certain parts of Brooklyn.

Click here for the sunrise and sunset times for New York City (NYC).